“Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit,” said the insightful English writer, Eli Khamarov. And, when ill-health conjoins and compounds poverty, it is perhaps like punishment for a life you didn't want. But, what if unsought publicity is added to the blend?
Director P. Sheshadri takes on that theme for his Kannada movie, "ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್-1" (“December-1”) and delivers, as only he can. He packs quite a punch in the film with his brand of satire– comprising of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, yet never short of down-to-earth realism.
The flick is about a phyically-challenged mill worker, Madevappa, who ekes out a simple, bare-bones existence in Basupura, a tiny, remote village. His wife, Devakka sells “rotis (bread)” to supplement the family income. One fine day they get news that the Chief Minister of the State plans to stay overnight with them on December 1. A bolt from the blue for the rural folks, suddenly now in the limelight! The official machinery kicks into action and bends backwards to bestow upon the impoverished, but zealous bunch every creature comfort, if only to showcase an exemplary household. The newfound well-being spawns hopes and desires galore within the family.
The CM and his entourage show up on D-Day. The customary photo ops, press meets and public speeches follow. But then, do the lives of Madevappa, Devakka, et al change for the better? Do they get to realise their dreams? The social and circumstantial developments thereafter make for an riveting story and an engrossing narrative.
The script and screenplay match the excellence of the plot. The sugary sweet dialectic Kannada used for the terse and pointy dialogues is music to, nay, symphonic on the ears. Nivedhitha, as Devakka, has acted brilliantly; veteran actor, HG Dattatreya, dazzles as the Chief Minister. Technically, the film is somewhat deficient; but, finesse in the production would have taken away the raw, rustic appeal.
In short, the movie is a cinemagoer's dream come true. An absolute delight! Little wonder then that it has won a slew of awards at the state and national levels.
My rating, a well-deserved: 8.0 on 10!
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